ATV was indeed a cargo vehicle supplying the ISS, but it was not a capsule with re-entry and reusability capability.

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Thank you for taking time out of what I can only imagine is an incredibly busy day to read the article. While I 100% agree with you, that wasn't how your post was phrased. You stated that it would be "the first European cargo capsule that will go to the ISS". That phrasing is, at very least, misleading. That being said, I am nonetheless extremely excited about Nyx and the possibility of it transporting cargo to the ISS by 2028. I look forward to reporting on your continued successes.

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Lots of bubbling in the private-led crewed spaceflight sector. Hope it leads to something cool!

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"2 Airbus and Thales Alenia Space"

I would prefer if the two European space giants would not pair up but compete. So they should go on it alone or each form their own consortium, but not go together. They both have enough resources and in-house tech to make it work, and it also would allow them to develop proximity operation tech they can use in future OSAM projects.

With Thales already working with Axiom on its station and with Avio on the REV-1, and Airbus now partnering with Voyager/Nanoracks, this may be happening.

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Европейский SpaceX не за горами

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