I'm honestly rather surprised that Copenhagen Suborbital and Zero 2 Infinity are still around. I suspect space tourism is something that will take a long time to develop in Europe. Even in America it took two decades to go from initial projects to actually putting tourists in space. Perhaps if some of these rocket startups succeed we'll see a move towards it.

By the way, why didn't you mention The Exploration Company? They seem to have plans for a human rated capsule.

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It seems that overall interest in 'going to space' waxes and wains with new discoveries or no discoveries. Incessant cost overruns, failures, incompetencies, and overshadowing world affairs don't help either. There is more interest in and money to be made in the UFO industry.

The 'democratization' (yes, a detestable term) of all things space is highly unlikely in any given lifetime. It is a certainty that space tourism will sit squarely within the realm of the obscenely wealthy for our lifetime.

Meanwhile, I opt for the balloon with cocktails approach!

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